

主演:查德·迈克尔·墨瑞  詹姆斯·拉夫尔提  海莉·伯顿  贝瑟妮·乔伊·盖里奥迪  索菲亚·布什  

导演:Sanford  Bookstaver  


篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.1篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.2篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.3篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.4篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.5篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.6篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.13篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.14篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.15篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.16篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.17篮球兄弟第一季 剧照 NO.18
更新时间:2023-09-04 01:28


  内森(詹姆斯·拉夫尔提 James Lafferty 饰)是含着金汤匙出生的富家子弟,丰厚的家底和养尊处优的生活让内森的个性高傲又自负,他是学校里的风云人物,同时是校篮球队里的种子选手。  在单亲家庭里长大的卢卡斯(查德·迈克尔·墨瑞 Chad Michael Murray 饰)个性腼腆内向,一直以来默默无闻,所有人都不知道的是,这个不起眼的男孩,和内森竟然是同父异母的兄弟。某日,卢卡斯加入了内森所在的篮球队,一颗篮球将两个陌生又熟悉的男孩紧紧地联系到了一起,他们互为对手又惺惺相惜,在亲情、友情和爱情的漩涡之中上下浮沉。最终,他们能够看透世俗的假象,找到真实的自我吗?


 1 ) 写在看到一半的时候(胡言乱语 以后再改了)

sometimes i wonder, is there any possibiity that a teenage drama can be something different? recently i've been obsessed with shows that involves the life of teens, but none of which is so intimate,so touching and so delicate like this one. no complicated dresses, no intimidating words, everything looks so normal yet surprising. it's like it can almost happen to each one of us, or something that could almost happen around us.

it's never a smart to thing to tell if a story is good or not by having a quick glance at the name of the story, well, i'm one of the believers of the saying. i ve heard this show a long time ago and never even bother to take a look at it because of its name. it instantly reminds me of shows such as gossip girl or glee, and i guess im not really a fan of both the shows. interesting enough, i started watching the show with blue mountain state, which, on the other hand is totally different kind of content. anyway, since the pilot episode of the show , it is obvious that this is going to be my to to-watch list for a relatively large amount of my time in the near future.

the whole concept of the interwining story is only thing: finding the answer to their heart. coach duram's love to basketball and his love of life camila, lucas's love for his mom ,friends and the girl he's with, peyton's feeling for security and belonging, brooke's for someone to love her back, hailey's love for nathan and music, nathan's desire to gain approval and responsibility

peyton's most famous saying is probably the "people always leave" everything time i try to intepret this, it makes me feel so sad and lonely. this is a written version of peyton's life as she described herself as loner most of the time. indie music, dark themed pictures, webcam , these all showed a lonely heart that is desperate for caring, a true love to fulfill the death of her moms and the absent of his dad. people alway say, a true artist is destined to be lonely for life, well in that case, the super talented p sawyer is bound to have this feeling

brooke's pretty is dazzling and beyond word. she is awarded everything that could ever given to her, smart, charming, humorous, cute, even her witty sarcasm.nevertheless, her eagerness for true love never stops, she is willing to give everything as long as the man gave her his heart.

brooke's friendship with peyton always intrigues me. they were best firends since childhood from every story that was told both P and B, we can eaily tell that they'd always have each one's back. but the appearence of lucas changed everything. p'd always have a timid intimacy toward lucas since their first encounter while brooke is more open to show her affection. this later on causes the mass chaos in the relationship triangle among the three of them. honestly, i like brooke more, her passion, her braveness to pursue love relentlessly . unlike peyton who hold back her feelings, or i would even say dare to try it out, brooke knew what she wanted and take the lead,

i can see why it is so hard for luke to choose between the two of them. both girls have their shining personality and both of them is attractive to any guy aive.

 2 ) 年轻的梦,不老的心。

《One Tree Hill》.就是这么一部经典。

从第一季里开始 无论热心的卢卡斯 还是顽劣的内森 漂亮的佩顿 善良的海莉以及等等人物 都给我留下的强烈的印象。 线索明了的剧情,幽默的对白,以为演员们卖力的表演,让这部剧成为了美剧里青春偶像剧的代表。
OK 好吧,我承认我们很脑残的把《One Tree Hill》.翻译成了《篮球兄弟》。也正是因为这个很脑残的名字让我观看了他的第一季,相对同样是青春剧的 《桔子郡男孩》《绯闻女孩》我们可怜的《One Tree Hill》.无疑在推广上吃了名字的大亏.....

从03年到马上来临的10年 《OTH》马上走过了7个年头,虽然第六季里的男女主人公因为合同的问题离开了(55555我的最爱佩顿啊),但是无妨OTH的精彩程度。
7年来 OTH 伴随着我们成长,从校园学生们的时光,到了我们现在也踏入社会。从当时的逃课,泡妞到现在的事业 婚姻。每一事件都让我们感觉似曾相识。。。也许这就叫共鸣吧。


我们也许会无法清晰的记忆自己的那青春年少时的故事,但是电脑硬盘里的七季《OTH》会提醒我们,只要还有年轻时的梦 我们就会拥有不老的心......

 3 ) Dan办公室的玻璃才是主角


 4 ) some quotes


-At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make it through the day. Others are just not facing the truth. Some are evil men, at war with good. And some are good, struggling with evil. Six billion people in the world, six billion souls. And sometimes... all you need is one.- Peyton


-It's always gonna be there, isn't it? You and me.- Lucas


-Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always.- Lucas


-It's you. When all my dreams come true, the one I want next to me is you.- Lucas


-Our biggest regrets are not for the things we have done but for the things we haven’t done and said that might have saved some one we cared about.- Lucas


-So maybe the elite girls aren't for me, but one of these days im going to meet a girl who really loves me and maybe she wont be what you call hot but i'll think she's beautiful and i'll tell her so. I wont be mean to her because i wont have to play games with her. I'll just be the guy she can always count on and that'll be enough, and she'll be elite to me.- Mouth


-You know I could've held you in my arms forever? It still wouldn't have been long enough.- Jake


-Sometimes the greatest rewards in life ; come from doing the things that scare you the most.- Whitey
-Promise me one thing. When you pick the boy you’re gonna really be with. Promise me he’s someone who respects you and treats you well. Someone who makes your heart race and he’s someone you love. Because of who he is. not what he does. Use your head and follow your heart.- Larry Sawyer


-Peyton, you're too young not to believe it's all gonna be okay.- Max (record store guy)


-Do whatever makes you happy but do it now. Live life for the moment because everything else is uncertain, take advantage of what’s right in front of you.-Rachel


-There comes a time when every life goes off course. In this desperate moment you must choose your direction. Will you fight to stay on the path while others tell you who you are? Or will you label yourself? Will you be honored by your choice? Or will you embrace your new path? Each morning you choose to move forward or to simply give up.- Lucas

 5 ) basketball bothers or tree hill?

hei, 我估计这辈子我英语再好,修养再高,也应该不会对一个叫《树山》或者《树山镇》的美剧感兴趣。



在comets驶向tree hill以外的世界,依稀可以看见金黄色的头发,和lucas上翘的鼻子的时候。——那一刻nathan附体,仿佛是我失去了我的兄弟,仿佛是peyton找不到她的弟弟,仿佛是haley没有了和他一起的写秘密愿望放进盒子里的大男孩,仿佛是keith再也找不到小时候的dan。——出生在计划生育的年代的我,看着我成群的父辈母辈们与他们兄弟姐妹间的喜怒哀乐,遥远地想象自己的40岁50岁60岁70岁——即使不孤独也未必能快乐。

有一种篮筐边上没有计时器镁光灯却让人心驰声望,有一种咖啡店不文艺不个性不辛巴克, 有一种高中带着不是很好看的铁柜子和死过人的长廊,有一种男孩女孩在高中结了婚早生早育……但是他们至今留在我的各种电脑的相册里各种人脑的记忆里, 河滩球场, ‘教堂’球馆,KATE咖啡,树山高中—— 不可否认,这些美国的月亮应该是在20岁刚出头的我的心里比拆那的月亮要圆一点的。

年轻的我当时没见过真正的拉拉队,没拍过给50年后的人的录像,没去过宁静时如教堂一般的球馆, 没开过可以尽情喝酒的party, 没意淫过学校里最漂亮的女生,没找到藏在我心里的哪怕不伟大却可以称作是唯一的梦。

其实和one tree hill一样, 在我这个打着‘篮球’搜索词的社会主义伪小资男的心里,早已经是one basketball brother了。

 6 ) alex

i like alex,formly she is a child,a girl,so naughty,she is magazine model,and she is forbided to take drugs,but she took and hide herself in a bar and peeping other drinks because she cant,she kills some guy just because of he drinks and she like the wine taste,so funny,

and later,she fall in love with her director,someone having no feel of her,just one side love,her absolutely get hurt and cut veins because that guy didnot pick up her phone.

fortunately she is rescued,after she turned into mature much more,she know how to control sentiment,but just acting self-fish,and caring about other feeling,help other,help someone loved her before.

anyway i havenot finished the drama,so expecting more....



  • Peyton
  • 力荐


  • 麦。麦。
  • 力荐


  • 扭腰客
  • 还行


  • valo
  • 还行


  • XD|醒来。你在。
  • 力荐


  • bling-bling
  • 较差

一直追到现在的青春剧 但编剧似乎已经江郎才尽 恐怕快要结束了

  • FairyYY
  • 推荐

love the female actress!

  • eyedmini
  • 推荐


  • 喜宝
  • 力荐

my cup of tea~love brook~

  • peanut
  • 力荐

"peyton sawyer will become peyton scott”--感动死我了。///Mark"看过”因为对我来说,OTH已经结束在S06。接下来当新剧看了。。。

  • vanvan
  • 推荐

大概是用电脑追的第一部美剧 高中毕业看到现在

  • 力荐

青春短暂 即使不全是美好的回忆 但是也要让自己沉溺其中

  • yoyo
  • 力荐


  • cici
  • 力荐

开头一般般 但是后来就慢慢爱上这部美剧了

  • BAO小宝儿~
  • 力荐


  • No.A.
  • 力荐


  • Northstar
  • 力荐


  • 低碳的尼克
  • 力荐


  • lulu~
  • 推荐


  • Porc au Prince
  • 还行


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