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更新时间:2024-04-11 05:43


  娜丽达(艾西瓦娅·雷 Aishwarya Rai Bachchan 饰)出生在一个传统的印度家庭之中,她有三个姐妹,都到了嫁人的年龄,为了将女儿们嫁进好人家,白先生(阿努潘·凯尔 Anupam Kher 饰)和白太太(Nadira Babbar 饰)可谓是费了不少的周章。  然而,聪慧机敏的娜丽达却并不愿意接受父母安排的姻缘,她相信,只有她自己才能决定,谁才是真正适合她的男人,父亲和母亲将娜丽达的举动视为叛逆,深感头痛。一次偶然中,娜丽达结识了名为达西(马丁·亨德森 Martin Henderson 饰)的富翁,起初,两人都看对方很不顺眼,处处挑刺找茬,关系十分紧张。然而,随着时间的推移,达西渐渐发现娜丽达并不是那种脑袋里空空的绣花枕头,而娜丽达亦发现了达西善良真挚的一面,爱情的火苗暗自滋长。


 1 ) 后殖民主义语境下的宝莱坞版《傲慢与偏见》

《Bride and Prejudice》很适合作为post-colonial语境下的diasporic创作的研究对象。

作为印度歌舞版傲慢与偏见,保留了奥斯汀笔下所有的男性的人设,而对姐妹一家的设定进行了印度本土化的创作,从跨越阶级式的女性文学,变成了反殖民主义、反文化景观化的故事,对于文化挪用和文化凝视也有一定的探讨。这种印度电影改编英国文学并以全英对话来探讨殖民问题本身,就直接呈现了一个resistance和mimicry的天秤了。“How to balance between complete divorce from empire and complete dependence on it? Appropriating the language of the colonials to empower and make it their own.”


根据Homi Bhabha的“The Location of Culture”,

  • Cultural identities cannot be ascribed to pre-given cultural traits “set in the fixed tablet of tradition”
  • "colonizer" and "colonized" are not independently defined entities.
  • negotiation of cultural identity involves the continual interface and exchange of cultural performances that in turn produce a mutual and mutable recognition (or representation) of cultural difference.
  • This "liminal" space is a "hybrid" site that witnesses the production—not just the reflection--of cultural meaning.
  • 'Always and ever differently the bridge escorts the lingering and hastening ways of men to and fro, so that they may get to other banks....The bridge gathers as a passage that crosses.'


而Kholi和balraj则展示了disporas的一体两面。作为在英美的印度人,对海外印度女性的认知是[忘本],对印度本土女性的认知是[本份、简单、顺从],尽管融入了英美社会,仍然需要传统的印度婚礼和印度妻子。Kholi对印度本土是负面的、鄙视的态度(反过来也遭到了女主的鄙视);Balraj则是正面的、欣赏的态度(反过来获得了女主的认可),是殖民语境下离散者的两个典型代表。“diasporas and nations produce each other” because “homelands like diasporas are produced through the material practices and cultural discourses of diasporic displacement and imaginings” (Beyond Bollywood)



 2 ) 印度歌舞和印度美女


 3 ) 印式傲慢与偏见



男二(原型宾利先生)的那位,回印度参加朋友的婚礼,然后他就突然冲入人群热情洋溢的跳起来了跳起来了跳起来了,oh no,当时我那个别扭的感觉:他是宾利,不,他不是,他就是,他怎么可能是……好难受……



 4 ) A different approach

So, I'm really not sure what to say about this Bollywood version of my beloved "Pride and Prejudice". The story, the music, the colors, the visuals, the glamorous settings, two attractive main characters, everything is there. However, I am just not loving it as I should be. I'll explain in a bit.

Quick summary of the story in case you don't know:
"The main plot focuses on the relationship between wealthy workaholic Will Darcy (Martin Henderson) and Lalita Bakshi (the "Elizabeth Bennett" role, played by Aishwarya Rai), the second daughter of a middle-class Indian couple. When Darcy arrives in Lalita's hometown of Amritsar, it's contempt at first sight, but as these two mismatched individuals get to know one another, love blooms. There are plenty of complications, not the least of which are Lalita's pride and Darcy's prejudice."

The film is enjoyable, light-hearted, funny at times, bright and colorful. However, some scenes are too obnoxious and loud, the relationship between Darcy and Lalita was developed too quickly, Darcy is way too pretty and not enough darkness in him, the lip-synching during musical numbers are hard to watch, and the whole idea that everybody (except Darcy) in the story are Indians is just a bit hard to grasp. It's difficult for me to accept a different approach to a story that I know so well, especially when the "Pride and Prejudice" miniseries(with Colin Firth) is still so deeply-rooted in my mind.

Also, please be warned, watching Sayid from "Lost" gettin' jiggy wit' it was an extremely painful experience.

After watching this, I think I'm anticipating the more traditional "Pride and Prejudice" remake that's due out end of this year more than ever now.


 5 ) 个人非常非常喜爱的印度版傲慢与偏见

在看过了40版,95版,05版以及印度版之后,我忽然发现其实印度版的编剧功力最为深厚~ 看过这部印度电影的都知道,如果从忠于原著这个角度考虑,印度版和英国人拍的古典剧没什么可比性,首先少了个女儿,其次早在达西的第一次求婚之前女主角(好像叫Lahlita)就已经明显得爱上达西了,原作中改变伊丽莎白看法的那封达西的长信也没有出现,而且也没有相关的情节,后来Lahlita的妹妹出走,当然也像原作一样,是达西找到的她,但是没费什么力(如果两个人打了一架也算出力的话)。对于所有喜欢傲慢与偏见的读者来说,这些情节是不容许改变的(40版就是这么失败的,改得太恬不知耻了……)。 除了这些明显的改动,对于其他部分,我对编剧是非常崇拜的。 首先,把这样一个人尽皆知的故事从古代搬到现代,又从英国搬到印度,难度不亚于把小说改成剧本。论改编,我觉得这个编剧要比《BJ单身日记》的作者成功(当然BJ给现代女性带来的共鸣不在讨论之列)。 几百年的时间跨度,半个地球的空间改变,不一样的东西太多了,原来的“傲慢”与“偏见”的理由都需要换一换,而这也正是我佩服这位编剧的原因。 一、两人第一次见面的场所:在印度没有当年英国中产阶级经常举办的那种舞会,因此初次见面是一次订婚仪式,这也为之后两人的矛盾埋下伏笔。 二、达西的傲慢:他来到印度是为了陪自己的朋友宾利,同时还有另一个原因,那就是投资建宾馆,达西的傲慢其实是所有西方国家对第三世界的傲慢,他觉得印度很美,但并不打算真正了解印度,建宾馆的真正目的是让更多的人能来印度玩而不用接触印度的脏乱差。 三、伊丽莎白的偏见:达西剥夺维克姆的工作机会已经不至于让现代人觉得有什么不妥了,于是编剧加了一条,那就是印度的包办婚姻,这可是印度闻名全球的东西,达西表示说自己不理解,伊丽莎白反击说美国人有全世界最高的离婚率,有什么资格教其他人怎么结婚,之后维克姆又透漏说达西要接受妈妈强加的包办婚姻,伊丽莎白觉得达西说一套做一套,偏见就产生了。 四、伊丽莎白对维克姆有好感,原作中是因为长得帅,身世惨,平易近人。在现代电影里这是不够的,于是维克姆又多了一个优点,那就是对印度文化十分着迷,正中伊丽莎白的下怀,与达西形成鲜明对比。 五、柯林斯不能再是个牧师,于是变成了会计师,他对凯瑟琳夫人的崇拜变成了对美国的崇拜,编剧借柯林斯的口说出了很多美国人对印度的偏见,比如政府腐败,环境污染;之后又借伊丽莎白的口一一反驳,如果我是印度人,一定自豪的不得了。 六、私奔在现在几乎是不可能了,于是改成了维克姆让达西小姐怀孕,还有伊丽莎白擅长的乐器从钢琴变成了吉他,达西家的庄园变成了豪华宾馆,凯瑟琳夫人(剧中成了达西夫人)的提问也不再是针对伊丽莎白家,而是充满了对整个印度的鄙视,伊丽莎白的顶嘴也不再是维护自己,而是在捍卫自己的国家。 看到最后,我甚至觉得翻拍傲慢与偏见不是制片方的主要意图,而是想借这样一个西方人熟悉的故事讲出自己的心声,这无疑很成功。这样的一部电影的票房肯定会比普通的宝莱坞电影要高,西方人会耐下心思看,如果想通过电影介绍自己的国家,这无疑是最好的方法。 功夫片不能让世界了解真正的中国,文艺片即使介绍了真正的中国也没人看。我们缺的就是这种介绍真正中国的商业片。

 6 ) A rebellion against fromality

This 2004 musical comedy from Bollywood gives Jane Austin’s novel a dramatic new and exotic touch. When you see the title, you know the reference, and you expect the informality and fun, which are very well presented in Bollywood style. All the twisted love stories in Austin’s original work become a single, hilarious and very much Bollywood coup de foudre.
The setting of the story is not much so different from 19th century Britain – a rather interesting or perhaps concerning fact, with parents yearning for someone socially advantaged, and daughters pursuing a Victorian free love. Yet the “Bollywoodness” of the film immediately removes all the formality, tediousness, and monotone of the Victorians.
  Knowing the film is a musical, one should perhaps be less concentrated by the capricious and appropriate appearance of dances and music, but their presence is dramatizing the film so much that perhaps they become the only thing that can last in my unfortunate memory. The colors and dances all make the film a gigantic flow of pictures. Even though one may be unsure about what exactly is going on in the flow, one can easily catch up with the plot and leave the brain relaxed and fully sucking the juices from visual nourishment.
  The Western actors give a mediocre display in the film. Martin Henderson, who plays William Darcy, lacks the ability to perform the initial aloofness, and the potential to love in him that can be found in the Darcy from Austin’s novel. Since the film, like Austin’s novel, tells the story from the heroine’s POV, it is important for Henderson to show Darcy’s world via his performance, which is way too static to show the character’s mind. I know his state of mind only because I read the novel.
  The Indian actors and actresses, however, give a rather vivid performance. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, playing Lalita, a character corresponding to Elizabeth in the original novel, gives her character the ambivalent state of mind, a remorse found in love stories, an unconscious preference, etc. Look retrospectively, one can find that she became more successful and sophisticated in her later performance, Jodhaa Akbar, for example, in which she played Jodhaa Bai, Mughal Empress. However, it does not change the fact that her performance in Bride and Prejudice is already outstanding. She has the skin color that drove the 18th century British sailors to mutiny, and blue eyes mysterious and exotic. Understandably she is found in the list of 25 hottest actresses on IMDB.
  The film is so not serious and so not tedious. It is a successful Indian rebellion against British formality, with weaponry of dances and music.


印度现代版傲慢与偏见 唱歌跳舞好多

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印度版的《傲慢与偏见》 !不过怎么都比不过英国的

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