


主演:本·卫肖  克蕾曼丝·波西  帕特里克·斯图尔特  詹姆斯·鲍弗  大卫·苏切  大卫·布拉德利  汤姆·休斯  琳赛·邓肯  大卫·莫瑞瑟  罗里·金尼尔  



空王冠系列 剧照 NO.1空王冠系列 剧照 NO.2空王冠系列 剧照 NO.3空王冠系列 剧照 NO.4空王冠系列 剧照 NO.5空王冠系列 剧照 NO.6空王冠系列 剧照 NO.13空王冠系列 剧照 NO.14空王冠系列 剧照 NO.15空王冠系列 剧照 NO.16空王冠系列 剧照 NO.17空王冠系列 剧照 NO.18空王冠系列 剧照 NO.19空王冠系列 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-09-04 03:55


BBC2历史电视电影系列《空王冠》演绎4部经典莎士比亚作品。这部电视电影作为伦敦文化奥运的重点推荐剧目在2012年6月播出向全世界推行。   本剧是《空心冠》的第一集。理查二世(本·卫肖 Ben Whishaw 饰)虽是英格兰国王,但实权被叔父兰开斯特公爵约翰·冈特把持。另一个叔父格洛斯特公爵托马斯也野心勃勃,企图摄政。理查由此而记恨亲政后对他们进行报复。1397年,托马斯被捕后未及受审就暴死在狱中,公爵头衔被废除。理查驱逐了约翰的长子毛勃莱公爵、以及自己的堂弟兰开斯特公爵亨利(罗里·金奈尔 Rory Kinnear 饰),并在1399年约翰去世后没收了兰开斯特家的领地,用没收的钱财充当攻打爱尔兰的军费。亨利以此作为攻打理查的藉口。1399年,在理查远征爱尔兰时举兵拘捕了他,并让国会同意将他废黜,由亨利即位。理查在监牢中囚禁多年,最终被杀害。


 1 ) 谁说我森没演技!

哈尔回宫面对父亲的那场戏,四段不同的情绪表现地非常清楚。刚开始内心紧张但又想表现地满不在乎,中间有些敷衍地回答父亲的问话,听到父亲再一次用谈论“别人家孩子”的口气谈论潘西时的倔强和暗藏的委屈,最后是听到父亲说“你或许会和潘西一起反叛我”时惶恐地反驳,祈求父亲的信任,发誓要血洗耻辱。 以后再有人说我森演技惨不忍睹我就把这段bia在TA脸上~( ̄▽ ̄~)~

 2 ) I know you all

Hollow Crown这个帝王三部曲里,读原著时我最喜欢的就是《亨利四世》,《理查二世》有极为华丽的辞藻和精心雕琢的大段独白,把语言的魔力发挥到了极致,《亨利五世》有君王气势雄浑大气磅礴的战前宣言,读来汪洋恣肆酣畅淋漓,但我最爱的还是《亨利四世》里Prince Hal成长的故事。从终日流连酒肆与市井之徒厮混的浪子到独撑寰宇的英武帝王,Hal的成长历程动人心魄,想到他失去了的,割舍掉的,又难免扼腕叹息。

《亨利四世》改编电影的难度要小于《理查二世》,从两片的对比来看,前者的完成度也确实更高一些。《理查二世》导演的个人风格过于明显,加上原剧本身人物刻画重点集中,使得片子更像是小本展现个人惊人才华的舞台。《亨利四世》高度还原原著,叙事结构严谨中有创新,深入刻画了多个人物丰满的形象,其中Falstaff无疑是极为浓墨重彩的一笔。Simon Russell Beale的表演令人赞叹,把那个既狂妄又懦弱,自私虚伪却又惹人开怀的大胖子演得活灵活现。Hal对Falstaff的感情很复杂,一方面他排斥生父亨利四世父权的威仪,尽力逃避宫廷权谋倾轧,所以对于和父亲完全相反,颓废荒唐活泼有趣的Falstaff不自禁地亲近向往;一方面Hal本性高贵,他也不齿于Falstaff虚伪懦弱的一面,况且Hal深知胡天胡帝的日子总有尽头,表面堕落心中清明的他自己也有意无意间树立了一道心理防线,不能放任自己对Falstaff的感情过于深厚。抖森把Hal这种复杂而纠结的心理表现得深入且细腻,他和Simon Russell Beale联手奉献了本片最令人拍案叫绝的两场精彩表演之一——小酒馆里的戏中戏即兴剧。对父王惟妙惟肖的模仿,面对Falstaff的恳求犹豫不忍,终于回绝,细微的表情和眼神拿捏得精准微妙。

另一场精彩对戏是Prince Hal Summoned to Court一幕。铁叔老戏骨了不用说,把一位君王面对叛臣四起的焦虑忧心、对继承人不肖的愤恨和一位父亲对荒唐儿子的恼火无奈疼爱完美糅合在一起,举手投足眉间眼角浑身是戏啊!!!(NC粉自重﹁_﹁) 抖森面对前辈的精湛演技也不怯场,被掌掴后的惊愧羞愤,面对父亲对自己的失望和心灰意冷,从一闪而过的受伤眼神,到心痛再到坚定决绝的誓言,抖森的把握非常到位。




 3 ) 抖森是我的人生导师,莎士比亚太赞

On the year of 2008, Olympic Game has been hold by England. For the sake of spreading England unique culture, which will also be beneficial to cross-cultural communication, BBC TV station has directed a series of film called Hollow Crown, which are some adapted works from Shakespeare’s history plays including RichardⅡ, HenryⅣ and HenryⅤ. To be honest, Henry Ⅳ is one of the greatest films I have ever watched.
Henry IV is a story about a king who stole the crown from his cousin, and is tormented by his guilt. Also, it's growing story about his son, a feckless young prince, who is always exposed to some blackguardly ruffians. However, when he suddenly is conscious of his father’s weighty responsibility and his massive burden, the prince, who seems to be cynicism, is forced to grow up and face his destiny. Then, on succeeding to the throne, the new young king takes his country to war, realizing he must assume his responsibility to strengthen national defense and fight against invaders. Eventually he becomes the greatest warrior king in English history.
In deep meaning, it's also an adventurous story of people facing an uncertain future, and of a country searching for a new sense of patriotic identity.
In this film, what deeply impresses me most is not father and son, but friendship and betrayal. In fact, this movie does not put emphasis on the relationship between HenryⅣ and his son HenryⅣ,but do stand out what happens between the young prince Hal and his so-called loyal friend Jack Falstaff. To some extend, the friendship and betrayal is the most dramatic aspect, running through the whole movie.
Jack Falstaff, as the leader of some ruffians, is almost paternal relationship with Hal, the young prince. Generally speaking, Falstaff is too much of a pretty crook, who is a congenital liar, congenital drunk as well as thief. However, Falstaff sets his affection on Hal, and the emotion shed by his eye really convince audiences that they own true friendship, conveying a message that even he is a ragtag, the prince still cherish their relationship.
However, that is totally wrong. Why Shakespeare is a most renowned writer, because everything that is Shakespearean is ambiguous. And in the most ambiguous but dramatically important scenes, Hal's split loyalties between Falstaff and his father of are central to both plays.①
Falstaff brings out the wayward and irresponsible side of Hal. However, the other side of the young prince's personality lies in this prince’s inherent essence. Although Hal seems like a terrible shit and he does some dreadful things, but in his inner world, he is a very upright person, he is also an ambitious and sophisticated politician.
I know you all, and will awhile uphold the unyoked humor of your idleness.
Yet herein will I imitate the sun, who doth permit the base contagious clouds to smother up his beauty from the world.
That, when he please again be himself, being wanted, he may be more wondered at, by breaking through the foul and ugly mists of vapours that did seem to strangle him.③
The words from Hal’s mouth show his ambition, appearing in the beginning of the film, give us a warning.
So how could the writer, Shakespeare copes with this difficult problem? Why Shakespeare is being Shakespeare, because he solves it through a play within a play.
Prof.Jonathan Bate(Worcester College Oxford) claims that:
This fantastic scene, to my mind. Come on, I'll say it the greatest scene Shakespeare ever wrote.
This fantastic scene where they act out Prince Hal returning to court, being interviewed by his father.
It's an amazing piece of theatre, where you have Falstaff and Hal playing the parts of King Henry IV and Hal.②
In this play within play, Hal and Falstaff have an interesting pub game, they need to play the parts of King Henry IV and Hal, imitating a conversation between father and son.
As first, Falstaff play the role of Hal’s father, the present king, in the course of communication, Falstaff doesn't tell Hal to pull his royal socks up. Rather, he instructs the young prince to spend more time with a splendid fellow called Falstaff. Falstaff regards that he is a loyal and true friend around Hal. And sometimes, indeed, he is, at least many audience thinks so, including me.
Then, they change the position, Hal do an impression of his father, and Falstaff plays him. At the beginning, Hal pretends to be his father, being angry to interrogate his son, Falstaff, why he would play with a local ruffian. Later, Hal's perspective begins to change. He claims that his son Hal must banish his fat friend, Falstaff.
Then Falstaff say the most impressive words from his bottom of heart:
Banish plump Jack, and banish all the world.③
The emotion from their eye contacts reveals that they are all touched by these sincere sentences. Especially Hal, he moves to tears, totally smothering his tears from his eyes.
However, the Hal say these words:
I do.③
Again, he supplies another sentences:
I will.③
That is really strange.
When Hal says “I do.”, he is within the context of the play within the play, as the acting the part, in his father’s tone. But then, in that instant pause, and the shift of the verb tense “I will” disclosures that he is speaking not within the play within the play, but as himself.
He is giving Falstaff warning that the moment will come, when he becomes a real king, he need to banish Falstaff.
What happens to Hal, why he needs to say these serious words?
It is believed that if you know the play well, if you love the play and the adapted movie, you cannot watch it with a dry eye.
So at the end of that game, there is a chilling premonition, and that what appears in the ending of this movie.
Gold save the king.③
With these cheerful sentences, Hal is crowned in Westminster Abbey, and eventually becomes the king. Then in the parade, Falstaff deliberately happens to meet his heart, Hal. Falstaff want to claim kinship and let the king give him some advantages. However, the king changes his voice, he is strict with this fat man, saying the follow sentence:
My lord Chief Justice, speak to that vain man
I know thee not, old man. Fall to thy prayers. How ill white hairs become a fool and jester.
I have long dreamed of such a kind of man so surfeit-swelled, so old and so profane. But, being awake, I do despise my dream.
Make less thy body hence and more thy grace, leave gormandizing.
Know the grave doth gape for thee thrice wider than for other men. Reply not to me with a fool-born jest!
Presume not that I am the thing I was.
For God doth know, so shall the world perceive, that I have turned away my former self. So will I those that kept me company When thou dost hear I am as I have been, approach me and thou shalt be as thou wast, the tutor and the feeder of my riots.
Till then I banish thee, on pain of death
As I have done the rest of my misleaders, not to come near our person by ten mile. For competence of live I will allow you, the lack of means enforce you not to evil.
And, as we hear you do reform yourselves, we will, according to your strengths and qualities, give you advancement.④
That’s a very long monologue, but when Hal says these words. It is really powerful and awful. Does he totally forget the time Falstaff around him, like his father to care of him? Does he never remember the happy ages he enjoy his youth, not worrying his duty to take charge of a country?
So why he does that?
Hal is not to do this having a mater plan, he just has an idea of how he wants his life to go, he is aware of his responsibility, who knows the fun will have to end one day.
Therefore, both these acts speak volumes. Hal gets rid of formal himself,
And I think that is the most dramatic aspect of the whole movie. Making you so convincing that Falstaff and Hal is a pair of close friend, but the end reveals that they break down their relationship in this way. So amazing, is not it?
 But the ending has its own premonition and reliable explanation. The most ambiguous part seems not so ambiguous, thanks to our greatest writer, Shakespeare.
Like the so-called “O. Henry-style ending”, disclosure when the movie ends the people of the psychological situation changes unexpectedly, or the fate of the hero suddenly reversed, giving audiences an unexpected result, but also be associated with real life, resulting in a unique artistic charm.

①,② From: BBC Documentary: Shakespeare Uncovered_Jeremy Irons on the Henrys.
③ From: The movie: Henry IV
④ From: The Book: Henry IV

 4 ) Act III Scene II (the one when our cheekbone got slammed)

       当初BBC放出两分钟的preview clip时,tumblr的fandom简直要疯了。大概全世界只有J叔敢说: your cheekbone does not scare me! 看完整个两小时,我真心觉得这场戏是我最喜欢的,不仅因为our cheekbone got slammed,更是因为它是全电影里演技的最好的scene,没有之一。
    首先莎翁的文字挑战了我的耐心,自尊心,做为脑残粉的诚心,一切生不如死心!而且我还是很有自知之明地读the royal Shakespeare company出的版本 ,整个stage production从舞台设计到化妆都写得清清楚楚,每一句被删减修改的对白还被斜体了的版本!
    Act III Scene II在原著里只有henry iv和hal两人,电影里henry iv特别指明让三个小王子留下,看着哥哥受罚。细节虽小,却让henry iv作为父亲的权威更加突出,让hal的羞辱感更加强烈。
    好了,重点是演技。J叔叔的演技真是太好了!我喜欢他这么久都没看过他演莎士比亚,真不知道自己怎么称是他的影迷的!上一集小本演得很好,我觉得很重要的原因就是他的声音:unsympathetically cold and eccentrically crazy. Richard II从头到尾都很神经质,所以小本演起来只要保持一致就好。但是叔叔在这里情感和声音都是波涛汹涌,跌宕起伏~
       简单解剖一下就是,爸爸很生气,先是批评,自己觉得不过瘾,丢丢帽子,挖苦讽刺下儿子,说着说着真激动了,带着哭腔地坦白,其实我也可想多见儿子了。就是这一句话,save mine, which now doth that I would not have it do, make blind itself with foolish tenderness.爸爸几声大吸气,本来还手叉腰很powerful的样子瞬间捂脸抱头不知如何爱儿子。莎翁哪会写这么复杂这么人性的细节,爸爸真是太伟大了~【撒花
    再说our cheekbone, 用网球geek tom的术语说,跟J叔叔这样的爸爸演对手戏绝对raise his own bar。这场戏儿子在听爸爸训诫时,除了给他脸部镜头,他是没几句话的,靠的都是临场反应。爸爸说我站姿不端正,丢我帽子,我也就是可怜巴巴地看一眼帽子,心里小小抗议一下,继续我傲娇无所谓的表情,然后爸爸一番长篇大论,我目不转睛,他怎么转我怎么看。爸爸眼泪都要出来了,我眉毛挑挑好心疼啊。抛开our cheekbone got slammed,书上写得很明白(电影开头也有讲),hal玩世不恭是为了以后让大家对他刮目相看,整个scene到这一点,hal的脸上都写着“我就知道被爸爸请喝茶会是这样的结果”,但是之后体力不支的爸爸开始绝望王位不保:wherefore do I tell these news to thee? hal有三秒中脸部镜头,表情过渡从发慌着急到表决心保护爸爸,很自然令人信服~【真是好儿子,撒花

 5 ) 上半部分剧透来啦

这一部讲的是潘西父子的叛乱。故事情节大致是:波林勃洛克(亨利四世)之所以能登上国王宝座,是靠臣民们的帮助。即位后他想讨好一下各阶层人民,在政治上有一些改革,这就必须和封建贵族发生冲突,除此以外, 前任国王理查二世之死和亨利四世有关,贵族们对此也有看法。


最初,是威尔士贵族 奥温.葛兰道厄 的叛乱,他领兵侵犯英格兰的边界,英格兰方面由 爱德蒙.摩提默 爵士率兵抵抗。不料英军大败,连摩提默本人也被俘。接着,另一个苏格兰贵族 道格拉斯伯爵 也入侵英格兰,被年轻的 亨利.潘西(霍茨波)带兵打败。霍茨波俘获了五百人,其中有好几个苏格兰贵族。根据当时风俗,战俘可以在缴纳赎金后释放,因此,靠这五百俘虏将能获取一笔十分可观的赎金。





享利四世下令要霍茨波交出战俘,霍茨波说除非国王备款派人去苏格兰赎回霍茨波的大舅子摩提默 。国王大为震怒,他说摩提默被俘后已与敌人葛兰道厄的女儿结婚,成了叛徒,“难道我们必须器我们国库中的资财去赎回一个叛徒吗?” 霍茨波说 摩提默不是叛徒,他忠于英格兰。 亨利四世 愤而离去。霍茨波于是和自己父亲 诺森伯兰 及叔父 华斯特 商量决定释放所有苏格兰战俘,不索取赎金,同时由霍茨波 亲自去苏格兰邀请 道格拉斯 一同起兵反对亨利四世。诺森伯兰 则去邀请约克大主教 理查.斯克鲁普 参加反对 亨利四世 的联盟。上述这些人再联合威尔士的 葛兰道厄 和摩提默,有了这些力量,反亨利四世的联盟将有可能胜利。



亨利四世 与 诺森伯兰(上一篇《理查二世》里的截图)



亨利四世四世的长子也叫亨利,但一般人都称他为 哈利或哈尔 。他在当王太子(威尔土亲王)时期,完全是个游手好闲、只知吃喝玩乐终日鬼混的公子哥儿。他有一个好朋友 约翰.福斯塔夫爵士。这位福斯塔夫是个破落绅士,穷得潦倒不堪,人品不好,喜欢说谎。亲王整日与福斯塔夫这样的人为伍,出入下等酒馆,到处吃喝寻开心。



亨利四世对王太子很不放心, 于是召哈尔亲王去谈话, 诚恳地指出亲主的错误,哈尔亲王向父王保证用实际行动痛改前非,决心参加平叛战斗,于是,亨利四世御驾亲征,哈尔亲王便领兵向葛罗斯特郡进军,而且特别任命福斯塔夫也串领一支步兵。亨利亲王打得英勇顽强平定了叛乱,而且杀死了武艺高强但却有勇无谋的霍茨波。亨利四世大获全胜。

 6 ) 冲着抖森来的 结果发现falstaff亮了

冲着抖森来的 结果发现falstaff亮了 一开始以为他只是个小偷骗子荒唐可笑的地痞 但后来看到他在战场上先是偷偷逃开 远离战局 当一切结束之后他又无耻的夺取杀死Percy之功…那个瞬间我觉得他其实并不爱hal 他只守着一头金羊 一有机会会毫不犹豫的扯下金毛
觉得抖森特别喜欢挑这种内心矛盾的角色 hal很清楚falstaff这种人不值得结交 但又舍不得在他身边时感到的放松和快乐 这是在父亲身上无法体会到的 也是在终有一天登上王座之后必然失去的…
剧情方面有了理查二世的铺垫 基本上不看原著理解上也没什么问题 这也是我比较喜欢这部的原因 因为我真的不觉得需要事前做功课或者事后靠专业解读才能理解的电影是好电影 背景知识或者专业解读只能是锦上添花让人更深刻的理解电影想要表达的意思 但靠电影以外的东西来补完电影应该讲清楚的情节这就有点本末倒置了



  • |
  • 力荐

再叹一遍文盲~!拍得挺好的~~铁叔有范儿啊。。。。(终于明白为何豆瓣上抖森粉丝如此之多了、。。很符合豆瓣各种男女青年审美喜好 哈哈!!!)

  • Fanny❤
  • 力荐


  • H!karu
  • 力荐

开场抖森自白就立马想到My Own Private Idaho。。没想到Idaho后面的桥段也是来自这部戏(没文化真可怕),稍出戏。。抖森学铁叔那段太棒了!!这集演员都大爱

  • 果子
  • 力荐


  • 王小亚
  • 力荐


  • Hedi
  • 力荐

亨四1一直是我最爱的莎翁剧之一。JI叔的声线永远无可替代,而且他的王冠质感稍微好点,比较不像小本那顶义乌产的了…falstaff这一角我的唯一最爱果然还是只有roger allam,那种演出才叫收放自如,不知还能再看一次不…战争场面确实看起来好穷,就差锄头扁担的对打了…说到最后对着JI叔的脸还是打了五星

  • 煎饼菓子兔
  • 力荐


  • D K U N
  • 力荐

什么平复叛乱啊!什么宫廷斗争啊!WHO CARES啊?!!!

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让Jeremy Irons演哼四有一个致命的BUG,揍是哼四老年比青壮年时期头发还多,这不科学!!!

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  • 10分钟先生
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雷神的弟弟粗线= =+~~~

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  • 席德
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  • gingababa.saru
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因为太喜欢Hal所以顺带萌了抖森?酒馆那几场戏看的心花怒放啊。所以之前不喜欢他完全是因为洛基的人设吧绝对是吧……总体很high,毕竟是1 Henry IV嘛 >< 不过后面打仗那场面不得不感叹BBC果然预算不足~

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果断第一时间撸了生肉,完全不闷,感觉剧本改编度好过理查二世.Hal在酒馆胡闹模仿亨四的那场戏抖森抓住了好多铁叔的特点,赞一个!父子那场戏之后,I have all the Prince Hal feelings!! TAT其实我主要想说的是,抖森无论一脸酒还是一脸血都真是holy-mother-of-god-i-can't-freaking-breathe hot!

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铁叔一出来我就想给他跪下!虽然时间真是太短了QAQ。抖森的小皮衣加深V真惊艳(话说当时真这么穿的么?←文盲)。战场的感觉还是太cheap但是基友纷纷表示符合史实_(:з」∠)_ 看到Julie Walters好开心!

  • Happy Wiggin
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